You definitely don’t have to be a bachelor’s degree to detect something strange happening with our modern science. Just compare how big was a scientific breakthrough at the edge between the 19th and 20th centuries, and how deeply underground our science went after world war II.

Since ancient Greeks were on the right track with a human being in the center of the universe we have dramatically stepped off to the material world and far-from-God concepts. With a paranoid Satanic energy, our scientists continue to split elementary particles into sparks of vanishing matter spending billions of dollars on colliders when half of the human population exists in hardship. And they continue to do it for decades with no any practical outcome. It is obvious to any thinking person that the Deep State is artificially retarding technology progress with hidden goals in mind. So, what the hell are all the army of scientists searching for under the clear official progress ban? The only occult reasons are sneaking into the mind.

Isn’t that self-obvious that our world is carefully created with a human in the center of the universe? And all our bits of knowledge are self-reflected and self-adjusted as a function of our human consciousness. We invent the theories on the fly and immediately get the right response in the form of working formulas and successful experiments. Even James Clark Maxwell expressed a strange feeling about his inventions and suspiciously well-working corresponding response in the numbers, formulas and experiment results – “I think something out from my mind and it nicely fits into the following calculations” – he said.

How do you think the real world should work, if we, as humans, invent electrons when we want to explain electricity, atoms for explaining matter, and gravitons for excusing gravity? Doesn’t it look like a child’s game? If the child does not want to eat the soup he could invent “anti-souppons” not allowing him to eat. Funny but too much real. Say thanks to “British science” for making the real knowledge hidden and occult on purpose. The beginning of British “scientific” manipulations is detected somewhere in the mid-19th century and crested with the bury of the Either theory. The Hollywood favourite hero Albert Einstein was nominated to finally conceal the true knowledge as it was meant by our Creator. Further on you will hear only about endless elementary particles being spliced like crazy by modern scientists for the last hundred years. No breakthrough anymore for the ordinary “consumers”. The true science silently went underwater to the layer of occult power clubs.

Do we get what we think through? God has created this world with tremendous accuracy just for us, but instead of accepting His great masterpiece and Himself as a Creator we move our eyes aside saying – “Wait, we are searching for the theory of everything, the universal equation, the magic strings, the M-theory…”. This approach raises many questions about the fundamental principles of our science. Is it a Satanic science? Where are we heading? Even more “gluons” for our suffering humanity? What if Newton or Einstein would see our current progress and what we have achieved as a society? It is just a cheap-made shame to the wealth of few.

So, what do they hide since either theory de-crown?

The human brain is the only centrepiece of our three-dimensional world. It creates reality by the act of active perception making a “quantum probable world” collapsing into our daily life. Nothing exists outside of the human brain. It explains why everything you invent or discover perfectly fits into reality. There is no external or internal world. Everything is combined as one construct. If humans are properly educated on how to change reality by propagating the brain ideas through their eyes into the outside world, they become nearly Gods. That is why the Deep State agents are constantly distracting you from realising this only true concept with tons of faked, useless information, and fears. Your mind is bombarded by problems, issues and threats: pollution, war conflicts, global warming, food shortage, terrorism, viruses, immigrants, overpopulation, nuclear threat and so on since people wear trousers. All these concepts are faked on purpose just to distract you from the focusing on real thing.

So, what is the real thing?

The human brain is the most complex difference machine ever created by our Master. It is precisely inserted into all of the 10 dimensions and operates through all of them simultaneously. We are created similarly to Him. Depending on the exact person’s abilities it can be perceived at day, or unconsciously at night dreaming. You don’t need any intermediate persons like teachers or books to get the knowledge about universe. You just need to close your eyes and focus on your inner vision in the right way. With a constant and proper trial, you get the answer which is valid only for you, at this time, in this given situation. This knowledge can not be transferred to other humans or fixed in books as a universal answer for any case. Look around, everything you see is dead information conveyed to you by intermediates: teachers, politicians, popes, mass media, opinion leaders and many others. You are drowning in the ocean of information garbage.

The human mind is constructed in a way to have a portal inside the brain to all 10 dimensions. Actually, you are living inside your own universes including probabilistic ones. Your head is connected to everything via a personal energetic channel which you can widen according to your current development. When you hear from genius people “I have opened”, “I have invented”, “I have caught the idea” – it’s all about receiving the information from their brain channels according to their demands. The Human brain can invent nothing. It can just filter out the information within 10 dimensions. From the technical point of view, our brain is a notch filter able to tune up through the 10th-dimensional frequencies to a narrow band of outer stochastic worlds. What is required from you is to grasp the way to turn your mind radio-knob in the right way to receive the answers to your correctly formulated questions. People who do not raise the right questions are considered dead nodes and will fall under external guidance (so-called “blindly guided”). If you don’t want to be blindly guided by other’s perceptions and alien ideas you have to wake up the focused consciousness and start to transmit powerful requests into your internal portal. Don’t waste your time getting a “proper” education from the state or commercial universities, because it’s a false dead-end created on purpose to switch you in the wrong direction. Official education does not contain any real knowledge serving the purpose to keep ordinary masses away.

As soon as you get the channel working it is possible to receive the genius ideas on how our world is created and what new can be implemented into it. Now you are the scientist, the composer, the arranger, the opinion leader, the “fuhrer”. The wider and more energetically powered your channel is, the more successful in the implementation you are. The others magically start to obey and go in sync with your ideas and acts. Now you conduct the manifestation of the newly charged reality through your personal mental portal into the 3D world. Seven higher dimensions versus our rock-solid world are like God against soil worms – predetermined to succeed. What to wish more?

To start the successful journey into the mother’s 10th-dimensional world you have to loudly reject the Deep State’s satanic agenda every time you see it. If you see the Hollywood movie where Mr Tony Stark humiliates Muslims, you have to turn the TV off. When you see an American press secretary talking about bad Russians, you have to turn it off. When you hear special agents spreading ideas about food shortages or dangerous viruses, you have to turn them off inside your mind. Power off completely, not on stand-by, and throw these agendas out of your brain forever. In this way the evil becomes power-depleted.

The second stage is to stop consuming industrial food and drugs filled with artificial additives, chemicals, fertilisers, and other body-poisoning elements. The normal human body under normal psychological conditions can not be sick except for the chill for 1-2 weeks. The rest of the diseases are entering your body through the mind holes. Don’t ever attend medical stuff except for surgical cases, because you will be programmed for medical dependencies. Never attend a psychologist and accept anti-depressant pills. This is dead-end “healing”.

To enable the night-run of the brain-portal you have to peacefully sleep at least 8 hours a day in a dark room without and any sound or light distractions. Better 10 hours. During the day you have to find 1 hour for a sound meditation consisting of repeated electronic sequences which allow you to build the perception bridge to the mental portal. The following sound projects are recommended as a good starting point: Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze, Schiller, Kraftwerk, and Jean-Michel Jarre Equinox album. Don’t listen to the relaxing music used in the massage rooms. It’s useless due to the absence of energetic sequences. Classical music is not suitable either.

The next step for becoming a directly blessed scientist is to carefully register all-day events despite their miserability. You need to find events connected to the nearly conscious or even unconscious night dreams or day delusions. As you progress through the careful events registration you will see longer and longer event chains and their consequences. Generally, our life entirely consists of pre-programmed events of very long chains constantly forking at a very high speed of 1/365000 a second. The human mind is constructed in a way to never grasp even a small fraction of event chains, but it is possible to catch the glimmering signs of past and future fragments of those events. As time does not really exist and is only a function of our brain perception you can reach the higher dimensions above the 4th one where events are uncoupled from the time scale and exist in the form of stochastic fields. Imagine the long cue of the events chaotically changing places in a fraction of a millisecond, and waiting to be emitted towards you depending on your actions. If you made a wrong move you immediately get the bad event or activate the chain of bad events which will propagate in the 3D world as time loops or essence loops.

If you successfully build connections it means your portal channel starts to expand covering a broader range of higher dimensions. This process evolves as a bi-directional funnel increasing the radius of the perception and enabling more serious questions to be sent for getting more serious answers. If your intention is clear and unbending, some resources start to magically appear to be used for ideas implementation. Resources are people, assets, lucky events, and proper ideas. We don’t speak here about dreams visualisation or “how to become reach”. These fancy things are just frauds. We talk about intimate and personal things which you hide to whatever cost if they come to you working. The main principle of our knowledge – is purely internal and collapses while being spoken to outside of our head.

Now take in mind the dramatic complexity of the described process as you have to combine daily life with these deep experiments. Never try to take a shorter backdoor way in the form of drugs or hallucinogens. You know the devastating examples of drug intakes crashing the entire brain filtering defence system enabling the chaotic energy pump from the higher and lower dimensions which causes the complete dissolution of human personalisation and death. The backdoor is very dangerous and does not work in a constructive way. It is always destructive whatever opinions you will hear. The right path is always hard to go, but the reward is worth it. The mundane path requires double efforts to succeed. You have to fulfil the routing obligations in a quality way as well as your new secret research. Otherwise, you will be disconnected as a useless node, and only simple worldly dreams will come to your mind.

Our brain is capable to process the daily information as a local host without the connection to the higher dimensions. Probably, the majority of human society is living in that way. You will never understand how perfect and how deep your portal is working. External verification is not possible. But, the following hints we can give:

– your night dreams contain time shifts to the past and to the future (i.e. dream events are happening in the past or the future)

– night dreams contain events that happen in the next couple of days

– day events synchronisation when somebody does or pronounce what you think of

– signal synchronisation (called “matrix glitch”) when you see numbers, words, or objects that you have been thinking of or seen at sleep.

– you are hungry for loneliness and a quiet environment because the channel is working only in that way and you feel upset if you can not enable the “session” for more than 2-3 days.

That’s for short and quite enough to start scratching the subject. This article is intended for those who are already seeking, but not for those who have no belief in more than the daily visible world. The first gets everything, the last gets soap science fiction.

Nikolay Lazarev

